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Dumping syndrome is a violation of the gastrointestinal tract, which is characterized by the fact that there is a pathologically rapid emptying of the intestine. Most often, dumping syndrome is diagnosed after gastric resection and other abdominal operations. It should be noted that such a pathological process also occurs in people who have not previously undergone operations on the gastrointestinal tract. With such a disease, food, regardless of its nature, passes through the stomach immediately, without lingering and without giving the body the necessary substances. As a result, other diseases develop, some of which can lead to the complete non-viability of a person. There have been cases when dumping syndrome led to cachexia and death.
The clinical picture of such a disease will include symptoms not only of a gastroenterological nature, but also of a general, including psychiatric nature. there is fear, causeless anxiety, panic attacks, hand tremors. Treatment can be both conservative and radical, depending on the clinical and morphological signs, the severity of the pathological process, and the general indicators of alendronate pills. The prognosis will depend entirely on the severity of the gastroenterological disease. Mild and moderate forms respond well to treatment, rarely provoke the development of complications. A severe form of the disease can lead to disability of a person.
Fosamax Information
It is not possible to prevent or predict the development of Fosamax pills. Preventive measures are aimed at reducing the frequency and severity of attacks and are as follows. The information is generalized and is provided for informational purposes only. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness. Self-medication is dangerous to health!
Most often, the dumping syndrome is formed during the operation using the Billroth-II method. As a rule, the dumping reaction has a moderate severity and spontaneously stops or transforms into a mild form over time. Severe pathology is rare. With timely diagnosis and complex treatment, the prognosis is favorable.
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With the ineffectiveness of conservative treatment of dumping syndrome, severe course or a combination of pathology with afferent loop syndrome, surgical intervention is indicated. Possible complications and consequences.
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A dumping attack can proceed as a sympathetic-adrenal crisis, a vago-insular crisis, or as a mixed type. The main diagnostic criterion for dumping syndrome is the relationship of characteristic clinical manifestations with previous gastric resection or gastrectomy. To confirm the diagnosis, X-ray examination with a contrast agent and a provocative dumping test are performed. Pathology therapy presents serious difficulties and is not always effective. Only a mild form and a form of moderate severity can be treated conservatively. One of the main directions in the treatment of a pathological condition is the observance of a special diet.
Signs of dumping syndrome of moderate severity. Characterized by a decrease in body weight, a violation of metabolic processes (protein, mineral metabolism, hypovitaminosis). The performance is reduced, the dumping reaction can develop even if dietary recommendations are followed. Signs of severe dumping syndrome. Symptoms appear after each meal and last up to several hours. Patients are forced to eat lying down and spend most of the time in bed due to poor health. In this case, the ability to work is lost, the quality of life suffers sharply.